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Excel Intermediate Course

By admin Categories: Microsoft Excel
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About Course

Koorsada Dhexdhexaadka ee barnaamijka Excel waxaa loogu talagalay inay ku siiso faham qoto dheer oo ku saabsan astaamaha aasaasiga ah ee barnaamijka Excel iyo sida loogu dabaqo hawlahaaga maalinlaha ah ee xafiiskaaga shaqo. Waxaad awoodi doontaa inaad abuurto, dib u eegto, xoojiso, oo aad daabacdo noocyo kala duwan oo xaashiyada barnaamijka ah adoo isticmaalaya xirfadahaaga cusub ee aad baran doonto. Waxaad baran doontaa sida loo isticmaalo barnaamijka Excel si aad u samayso jaantusyo horumarsan, xisaabinta, iyo falanqaynta xogta ee shaxyada pivotka iyo inaad ka faa’iidaysato isticmaalka agabyada barnaamijka ee durbo qaabaynta jaantusyada iyo shaxyada lagu muujiyo muuqaalada xogta. Koorsadan waxaa kale oo ay horumarinaysaa fahamkaaga hawlaha iyo isticmaalka qaacidooyinka barnaamijkan


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What Will You Learn?

  • Master the maintenance of large Microsoft Excel data sets in a list or table.
  • Control user input by prompting the user when a cell contains an incorrect value.
  • Utilize some of the lesser-known Excel functions to perform calculations on Excel lists.
  • Generate dynamic reports by mastering Excel PivotTables
  • Utilize Excel to its fullest ability by utilizing slicers to create relationships between data, generate reports from the data, and much more, elevating your Excel expertise to an entirely new level.

Course Content

Starting Excel 2016

Excel Free Templates

Manage Worksheet/Workbook

Flash Fill

Formatting Excel file

Manipulating Data in Excel


Excel Tables


Introduction to Excel Charts

Intermediate Excel formulas and functions

Pivot Tables in Excel

Importing Data into Excel

Data Validation

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Student Ratings & Reviews

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2 years ago
It was really wonderful, I have gained a lot of excel skills.
Therefore I recommend every body to take this professional course.
Thank u Teacher.